A visual feast of textures is the natural result of their healthy and artistic farm life.
A visual feast of textures is the natural result of their healthy and artistic farm life.
← The Creative Life is in Your Hands (Online art lesson #30)
A visual feast of textures is the natural result of their healthy and artistic farm life.
A visual feast of textures is the natural result of their healthy and artistic farm life.
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Website assistance provided by Dave Sullivan.
Lillian, what a wonderful post! You always know how to snap me back to a grounded place where I can remind myself to start over. Thank you! These photographs are wonderful and the portrait of Hannah! OMG, gorgeous, as is the model. And that antique piece behind the table in Marion’s teaching studio? Please let her know, don’t sell it, call me! I will buy it from her! Love the photos of the Proudfoot farm– How did you come to be there? What a beautiful place! Nice to regroup, rethink, and reconnect. Miss you!