Iris , Boulder CO, L Kennedy acrylic golden open paints
Iris , Boulder CO, L Kennedy acrylic golden open paints
← Golden Open Acrylics: Trial by Iris (Online art lesson #23)
Iris , Boulder CO, L Kennedy acrylic golden open paints
Iris , Boulder CO, L Kennedy acrylic golden open paints
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I would love to study with you. I like your attitude! I did a plein aire piece too..At Golden Pond in Colorado. It was a blustry day–so windy that my tripod kept twirling at its base, the tube of red paint wouldn’t open (I only brought 3 tubes of paint-red blue and yello and oh, yes white (oil)…the red tube of paint wouldn’t open (arthritis), so I gave it a good whack, and you guessed it–had to wipe red paint off the bench for twenty min. …Oi vay!